Legislation & Justice
Degree course shall be referred to the Committee comprising of Head of University Department of Law and the recognized Post-graduate lecturers of the University. Hostel accommodation for foreign students is provided within the International Student House, ‘C’ Road, Churchgate, Mumbai-20. HOSTEL ACCOMMODATIONThe Department presents hostel lodging to its students. About Ils Law School Degree course must be made within the prescribed kind and be submitted to the Department of Law throughout the prescribed time, instantly after the declaration of the results of the LL.B. Degree examination of this University held in first half of every year. In Criminal regulation, attorneys must be certain that the individuals abide by the set criminal statute or laws. In case somebody commits any offense by breaking the regulation, attorneys guide the appropriate measure as per the body of legal legislation. Departmental Committees It contains however is not restricted to regulation related to e-co...